The artist that did your tattoo will have something very definite to say about the care of your new tattoo, and it is probably a good idea to listen to him/her. Many shops will have an information sheet listing care instructions. The information provided in this section may or may not be the same method your artist offers. Regardless, there are three things to remember about caring for your new tattoo: Moisturize, Don't over moisturize it, and whatever you do, Don't pick your onion peel scabs! Basically, as long as you follow these three points, you will be okay. However as people get more tattoos, they begin trying out slightly different methods, and not all of them will work on everybody. Some people will find that they are allergic to some products. How do you know which method is best for you? It depends on the type of skin you have, and how sensitive it is. I suggest you try a patch test on your skin for a week or so before you get a tattoo to see if you react to the ingredients.
Other people will recommend different ointments and lotions. Some people swear by Tea Tree Oil (toner) from the Body Shop for its healing qualities. Others like A&D Ointment (marketed for diaper rash, I find it somewhat greasy), and the cheapest is probably regular Vaseline Intensive Care.
Other people will recommend different ointments and lotions. Some people swear by Tea Tree Oil (toner) from the Body Shop for its healing qualities. Others like A&D Ointment (marketed for diaper rash, I find it somewhat greasy), and the cheapest is probably regular Vaseline Intensive Care.
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