Marina Beach : This beach is 12 km shoreline in the city of Chennai, India along the Bay of Bengal, part of the Indian Ocean.
It is the second longest beach in the World. As we all know a lot about Marina Beach history already. I'll concentrate more on how Marina is today.
Marina Beach is always flooded with all kinds of people from the richest to the poorest.
Early in the morning you will get to see the high profile businessmen to celebrities out on a walk with their Pets or grand children... these are the normal views everyday at Marina Beach.
And the worst part, no matter how hot it is ... one can anytime find some couples or so-called couples somewhere in the corner of the beaach kissing, cuddling and it goes on ..... they don't care who cross by them, how hot it is ... they are deeply indulged in the world of infactuation or world of Kamaz....
Best Part of MArina: Evening times, those sundal stall, molagabachi, fish fry, and other vendors on the beach... kewl sight...
I happened to meet a guy ( please see the picture on ya right) he is Gopi studying in 6th std, after school, he is in the beach selling these GLOWS each 10 to 50 bucks ... he says on a week day he hardly gets anything but on a weekend when the family crowd is seen in lots he earns around 1000 bucks....